Tuesday, May 17, 2011

My mom's parents lived in Maryland my whole life until they passed away so it was a treat to see them. I remember their house well (although I was about four) on Bivalve - not sure how to spell it but I've heard it said a lot. I remember the closet in the living room that had a secret passage to the bedroom next to it. I remember the giant fridge on the porch that had apple juice cans and I can still imagine what it felt like drinking out of one. The pool was the highlight of the home. Grandma Polly taught me to swim and if my memory serves me correctly, she loved to swim. I always think of her when I watch "Ya Ya Sisterhood" in the scene where Ashley Judd has all the kids in the lake and they all want to be chosen to be "saved" by her.
I remember Pop Boy's snore. It was epic. That man snored so loud that when I slept in one of the rooms upstairs and he was in the living room in the first floor, I had trouble sleeping from all the noise. I remember Pop Boy teaching me to play checkers when I was seven. I had my pink cast on my arm but that didn't get in the way of learning.
I also remember Pop Boy's smell. I think all of us sisters, at least the ones that remember him well all remember his smell. It was cigarettes and aftershave or something. I have smelt it one other time and I remember being knocked off my feet with memories.
I remember Grandma Polly's voice. I don't know how to describe it but she had the best accent and her voice was so...loving. When we have watched old home videos and I hear her voice, I wish that I had known her better.
Visiting Grandma Polly and Pop Boy also meant seeing my favorite aunt and uncle and two cousins. I remember going to my cousin Norm's baseball game and it was the first baseball game I had ever been to. We got to chew gum and eat Fun Dips. We would have slumber parties with the cousins and us girls got to play with Maple Town. I remember my fave aunt and uncle coming into the living room really late with oreos and milk. This was such a foreign concept to us to eat oreos at all, much less late at night.
If only we could have known those grandparents better and had more time with our cousins. When we get together with our cousins and my aunt and uncle now, its as if we just pick up where we left off as if we see each other all the time. We are very blessed to have family that we like so much...

Location:About Grandma Polly and Pop Boy...

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