Monday, May 16, 2011

About all my aches, pains, and injuries...

When I was four, I was a genius. I was such a genius that I decided to stick my right pinky finger into the hinges of the Morro Bay Carl's Jr. bathroom door (just for kicks), which resulted in a broken finger. In second grade, I was climbing up my neighbor's slide on their fort and tumbled to the ground, landing on my right arm. I broke both bones in my arm and one bone even popped out, swooping up dirt and rocks, and then popping back in. I was in the hospital for a week, receiving IVs to avoid infection from the dirt and rocks being in my arm. I had a pin placed in my arm and a hot pink cast to show for it all. It was all very dramatic. In high school, I was a "base" on the cheer squad because I was "sturdy" and strong. I was throwing Shannon Bartoo into the air in a basket toss at the basketball game in Visalia, when I heard a loud tear. The pain was excruciating and of course, the following day was the Winter Formal. My dad made a home-made sling to put my arm in that matched my formal dress. After an MRI, it was found that I had torn cartilage. I ended up having to have surgery, which resulted in no longer being able to be on the cheer squad. My Junior year of high school, I was doing driver's training with Drive America in hopes to get my permit. This trainer showed up wearing slippers, putting his head back against the seat while I drove, and every now and then would loudly hit the passenger window and yell, "BAM-you just hit someone". I think that was his attempt to keep me on my toes, but it was very strange and scary. We were turning left at a green yielding light and I cannot remember exactly what happened, but we were in a serious crash. Yes, thats right. I got into a crash while doing Driver's Training. The trainer had a brake on his side but of course, did not brake. The car was totaled and I got a burn on my arm from the airbag. It was again, oh so dramatic. Oh and by the way, the burn was on my right arm. So broken right pinky, broken right arm, torn cartilage in the right shoulder, and burn on my right arm. I have suffered from chronic stomach pain for years and while in college, I saw doctors to try and find the reason. The genius surgeon decided I had gallstones and needed immediate surgery. I remember waking up from surgery and my mom telling me that they didn't find any gallstones, but went ahead and removed my gallbladder. The surgery of course, was on the right side of my stomach. I now have even worse pain, due to lack of the gallbladder, so thank you Mr. Surgeon, sir. My medical file is fatty and I've been to many doctors. I could get started on my crazy ex therapist, but I will save that for another day...


  1. You just can't make this kind of stuff up...

  2. I remember watching you stick your finger in that door and it was one of those "slow-mo" moments when it takes like 30 real seconds for your mouth to say, "NOOOOOOOOOOO...." in that mutant-voice-changer sound...that was awful. I remember Daddy making you a splint out of popsicle sticks and we went ahead with our vacation! Isn't your pinky still bent funny? Mama and Daddy will probably read this and say, "That is NOT what happened!" I KNOW this is going to happen with my kids someday, too... :)
